We are an organization with over 40 years of experience in health, education, and community development in Peru. We create sustainable, innovative, and high-impact projects that enhance development opportunities and well-being for early childhood and their families, turning challenges into opportunities.

We envision a Peru where all children grow up with opportunities and can reach their full potential.

To date, we have 7 key areas of action that enable us to offer a range of quality programs, projects, and initiatives that generate a positive impact on society.

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Centro Educativo Infantil

TANI begins its action with the Children's Educational Center.

With this center, TANI offers children in the community the possibility of receiving initial education and care spaces, while mothers can go out to work and generate resources for their family. This was one of the first educational centers for boys and girls in Peru.

Vacunaciones Masivas Infantiles

Creation of Mass Child Vaccinations in San Juan de Lurigancho.

A TANI student dies due to lack of vaccines and a challenge is identified for the entire child population due to the lack of access to vaccines. To this end, together with the state and private companies, the first large mass vaccination of the district is organized, which will then give way to state strategies that ensure that all boys and girls are vaccinated in the

Centro de Rehabilitación Nutricional

Opening of the TANI Nutritional Rehabilitation Center for malnourished and high-risk babies.

More than 1,000 boys and girls passed through the Nutritional Rehabilitation Center, which allowed children who in many cases had already been terminally ill to receive the nutritional support necessary to survive. Thanks to a strategy with international volunteers, all the boys and girls who passed through the center were saved and were able to return to their homes.

Casa de esterita

Creation of the "Esterita House" to improve people's habitability.

Faced with the home challenges that many people have, a low-price, good quality house was created that allowed a family to live more with dignity. Thanks to funding from UNICEF, this house has served as a model for the construction of several others and continues to exist to this day.

Programa de Formación Técnica

Creation of the Technical Training Program for young people and adults.

Faced with the great economic crisis that was experienced in those years, training spaces were developed for young people and adults, in trades that allowed rapid economic income for families, promoting entrepreneurship and micro-business.

Wawa Wasi

Creation of Wawa Wasi and support in implementation throughout Peru.

In 1990, TANI created the educational homes that years later became the Wawa Wasi and were developed throughout the national territory thanks to a non-returnable loan from the IDB. TANI works free of charge for the state for 2 years to ensure the formation and implementation of this program.

Crecimiento y Desarrollo Colectivo

Creation of the Collective Growth and Development program.

Faced with the health challenge of many boys and girls, the national Growth and Development program is transformed into a collective and community strategy that allows expanding the range of impact and depth of the intervention. In 2005, this strategy is identified by ECLAC as one of the most innovative practices in the region.

Construcción del Vínculo

Development of the program for Building the Maternal/Paternal-Child Bond.

Development of the Skin to Skin program that seeks to strengthen the maternal-child bond between families and babies, reducing postpartum depression and increasing healthy parenting practices during the first years of life. This program prints a workbook that will allow the replicability of your practices in other spaces.

Programa Derecho al Nombre

Implementation of the Right to a Name Program to promote the identification of all Peruvians.

Thanks to an alliance with RENIEC, a strategy is implemented to ensure the identity of the boys and girls in San Juan de Lurigancho, and also their families. Having as its main impact the possibility of accessing all their rights as citizens.

Programa Red Mami

Mommy Network Program

Thanks to a strategic alliance with the Children Action Foundation, a great project is being developed that supports the development of adolescents who have been mothers, and ensures their access to health, education and development. More than 300 teenagers and their babies have received support each year.

1er Puesto de Acopio de Leche Materna

Creation of the 1st Breast Milk Collection Station in alliance with the National Maternal Perinatal Institute.

Mothers who participate in TANI and have received support throughout their baby's first months have the opportunity to participate by donating breast milk for premature babies. This allows hundreds of babies to have been saved thanks to the donation of other mothers in the community.

Escuela Inclusiva

Creation of the Inclusive School for adolescents and adults who have not finished high school.

Faced with the educational challenges in the country, the school is created that allows not only to return schooling to people who did not have it, but also to strengthen their skills and abilities to ensure that they access trades or professions that help them develop in the long term.

Programa Lab TANI

Creation of the TANI Lab Program for training in the TANI Model.

After more than 40 years of uninterrupted work, TANI packages its work model in practical and theoretical training for professionals and students, which allows them to learn about a successful proposal for caring for families and then implement voluntary actions to strengthen learning. In the following years, the LAB TANI will reach two more regions of the country.

From the beginning a single goal

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We seek to build opportunities for children and their families to have constant development. We create professional spaces of trust and learning that address the main challenges of children, and together with families we generate transformative experiences that offer affordable and scalable solutions.

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We hope that Peru is a place where boys and girls can develop their full potential and fulfill all their dreams. That families are the guarantors of their protection and growth, and that the services for families are of the best possible quality (whether you were born, where you were born).

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